Dreams Cloud A bit in the spirit of Rabelais' Paroles gelées,

Giuseppe Gavazza

Dreams Cloud

A bit in the spirit of Rabelais' Paroles gelées

but without the fighting (make dreams, not war!). 

Attached to luminous balloons, I install a dozen pocket loudspeakers scattered around the garden, which will broadcast voices narrating their dreams. 

During the first installations, at the Château de Cerisy-la Salle in July and August 2021, I collected more than eighty dreams told by voices speaking in French, Italian, English, Chinese, Korean, Tunisian, Spanish.  

The collection of dreams continues with new calls for new opportunities.

The dreams, part of this intimate and private archive of mine, will only be unveiled on the occasions of the installation but not shared in any other ways. 


Send me a recording in which you narrate your dreams: any language is good for dreaming

it's not necessary that the recording is of high quality: it's ok an MP3 recording or other compressed format made with a portable phone. 

Please contact me or send me the files - if they are few Mb files - to the address:


In case of bigger files send them to me via wetransfer or similar.


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