Something new, Friday November 14th 2014: about "Duello a Ca' Foscari", concert for cello and portative electronics in Venice
In the contest of PhD Opening Ceremony of Ca' Foscari University in Venice Past, Present and Future Challenges food, wine and art multisensorial event joined with Treviso-Venezia: Dripping Taste, l'Arte nel piatto Friday November 14th there was the concert : Strange Duello a Ca' Foscari: Manuel Zigante, cello and Giuseppe Gavazza portative electronics.
We played music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Olivier Messiaen, Giuseppe Gavazza in a nomad concert moving between Auditorium Santa Margherita, Ca' Foscari exhibit spaces of Ca' Giustinian de' Vescovi and Aula Colonne San Sebastiano.
Strange Duel at Ca’ Foscari
Manuel Zigante, cello; Giuseppe Gavazza, portative electronic
I know Manuel Zigante since we were students at Music Conservatory, where now we teach. For years was with us the desire to play in duo until Marco Pozzi, alpine guide, invited us to the challenge of a concert cello and electronics climbing in group from the 1850 ms of the Rifugio Levi Molinari to the 2400 ms of the Punta Chabrière, Alps of Val Susa. Six stop over, like the movements of the cello Suite of Bach (every years a new one, last August was the third), coupled to compositions with electronics and stories of animals, trees and mountains narrates by Marco.
So I assembled a sonorous backpack that mitigates my envy of acoustic musicians who arrive, open a case, tune and play rather than face the arduous journey of electronic performer: service, vans, mixer, speakers, cables, technicians, sound check …
My model is the ancient organo portativo: practical advantages and musical limits that are stimuli, like for every instrument, in the continuous challenge to invent music.
To propose an alpine experimental equipment in the lagoon historic spaces of Ca' Foscari, to accompany an artistic-multi-sensory event, is an extra challenge.
Strange is part of a series of ensembles that combine portative electronic and acoustic instruments: so far various combinations of duo and trio (cello, double bass, violin).
Giuseppe Gavazza
PhD at the Laboratory ICA-ACROE - Institut National Polytechnique and the Département de Musicologie Université Pierre Mendes France - Ecole Doctorale Ingénierie pour la Santé, the Cognition et l'Environnement - Grenoble
Professor of Composition for Music Education at the Conservatory of Cuneo
Manuel Zigante
Cellist and founder of the Quartetto d'archi di Torino, Professor of String Quartet and String Ensemble at the Conservatory of Cuneo
more informations on the spaces
Something new is an irregular new(s)letter about me
(Giuseppe Gavazza)