Ascolto il tuo cuore, città. Audio testimonianze al tempo del COVID19

Ascolto il tuo cuore, città *1
Listening to my city at the time of COVID19

In these difficult days of COVID19 pandemic emergency disposition, living in a big Italian city my immediate reaction has been to go outside regularly to record the sounds of my district, a neighborhood in the center of Turin, until a few days ago very lively: shops, the outdoor market, bars and restaurants during the day; cinemas, theaters, public places at night; the Valentino park, the largest green area in the centre of Turin.

The sound walks and soundscapes made so far are a work in progress already available on the net to sites that allow a geotag connection with Google Maps as aporee(.)org and cartophonies(.)fr.
I added to the audio recording the files, made with a geo-tracker GPS app, which provides details of the movements that can be synchronized with the audio recordings.
This allows an acoustic exploration in space and time of this environment in this period and in this context.

It is not possible to predict how the situation will evolve but I am convinced that is a great shift; perhaps, even for us, a sensitive mutation.
Everything changes and the change is often not visible: but is it audible?

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*1: “Ascolto la tua voce, città” (I listen to your heart, city) is a book by Alberto Savinio.
Painter, composer, musicologist, writer (brother of the much more well-known Giorgio De Chirico, but no less genial than him) in this book Savinio flâneur narrates his Milan
I like to borrow this title for my sonorous flânerie round my city, Turin.
The book exists in the French version "Ville, j'écoute ton cœur" published by Gallimard.


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