CRESSON B-AIR WInterschool 2021: vulnerabilities and sounds, the experience of listening

The 9th winter school organized by CRESSON is welcoming this year the « B-AIR Art Infinity Radio » project supported by the Creative Europe Culture Program (EACEA).

Since 2013, the CRESSON winter school takes the form of a week of research and practices in order to discuss and explore the laboratory’s methods and concepts in their capacities to give some answers to a specific topic in link with the sound environment, its study, and its transformations. 

This year the theme is “vulnerabilities and sounds, the experience of listening”.

In a world where the immediacy of information, as well as the quickness of actions, has become the rule, it seems more and more challenging to take the time. The acceleration of lifestyles and ways of thinking has become a prerequisite for success. Nevertheless, in parallel with this fast-moving world, long-term issues are being increasingly neglected, creating socialenvironmental, and spatial « vulnerabilities ». It is precisely at the intersection of these stakes that the question of ambiances and more particularly of sounds can appear like a catch. Listening to the environment, a gesture that may seem simple and insignificant becomes a powerful tool for considering places and words at scales and temporalities that are difficult to reach with the visual.

Sound is a medium intrinsically related to time, but also very capable of questioning scales that are often « left aside » because they appear to be too obvious, too small, or on the other hand too large. Therefore, the sound could be considered as a lever for considering, questioning, or reframing these issues.



The Winter School will be held this year both in Grenoble (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble) and in Volos, Greece (Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly). This event is funded by the « B-AIR Art Infinity Radio » project, one of the winning projects of the European call of the Culture Program of the European Agency for Culture, Education and Creation (EACEA). Students, teachers, researchers, decision-makers, architects, artists, urban planners, sociologists, sound recorders, young or “less young” professionals … and anyone interested in sound are welcome to participate in and need to fill the application here :

** Due to the covid-19 crisis, all the week of events will take place online**

Theories and practices over 5 days, from 

Monday 18th to Friday 22nd January 2021

The program of the week will articulate training times and theoretical speech to a workshop on the « material » sound whose objective will be to achieve a production over the week resonating with the topic. The workshop will thus be an opportunity to question sound as a way of entering or projecting on issues that today appear to be more and more important, but less and less in phase with the trends and mediums of our contemporary world.

The mornings will be dedicated to theoretical contributions and thematic exchanges that will present angles of approach on the theme but also tracks of reflection that can then be used during the workshop time.

The afternoons will be exclusively dedicated to the time of the workshop, which will last the whole week, and will frame the production by the participants of a creative/reflective/interrogative proposal through the sound material.

As a conclusion of this week, Friday will be organized in the morning with times of exchange between the speakers and participants to open the perspectives of debate and the afternoon will be a time of « restitution » and exchange on the participants’ productions.

 ( See the detailed program ) 

Working languages: English / French / Greek / Italian


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