
We need your dreams

  Abbiamo bisogno dei vostri sogni   We need your dreams (scroll down/click)   Nel mese luglio 2021, nell’ambito del convegno  L’Enchantement qui réviént  svoltosi negli spazi magici del Castello di Cerisy ho proposto e realizzato  Entre son et songe: Dream’s Cloud ,  installazione visiva e sonora, poi utilizzata per la copertina del volume degli atti. Nella proposta scrivevo: "Nello spirito delle Parole Gelate di Rabelais (1) , appesi a palloncini colorati e luminosi, una dozzina di altoparlanti portatili diffonderanno di giorno e di notte, voci che raccontano i loro sogni; voci anonime raccolte prima e durante la residenza che saranno diffuse solo nei modi e in occasione dell’installazione." Ho raccolto al momento 120 sogni raccontati in francese, italiano, inglese, cinese, coreano, tunisino, marocchino, spagnolo, portoghese. Sogni, parte di un archivio intimo e privato, diffusi discretamente solo in occasione dell'installazione.  In collab...

Dreams Cloud A bit in the spirit of Rabelais' Paroles gelées,

Giuseppe Gavazza Dreams Cloud A bit in the spirit of Rabelais' Paroles gelées ,  but without the fighting (make dreams, not war!).  Attached to luminous balloons, I install a dozen pocket loudspeakers scattered around the garden, which will broadcast voices narrating their dreams.  During the first installations, at the Château de Cerisy-la Salle in July and August 2021, I collected more than eighty dreams told by voices speaking in French, Italian, English, Chinese, Korean, Tunisian, Spanish.   The collection of dreams continues with new calls for new opportunities. The dreams, part of this intimate and private archive of mine, will only be unveiled on the occasions of the installation but not shared in any other ways.  CALL FOR DREAMS Send me a recording in which you narrate your dreams: any language is good for dreaming it's not necessary that the recording is of high quality: it's ok an MP3 recording or other compressed format made with a portable phone....

SUONI, SILENZIO E SOGNI: dal paesaggio sonoro dell'Alta Langa alla terra dei sogni

Photo: Eugenio Pini (CC BY-NC-ND) SUONI, SILENZIO E SOGNI  Dal paesaggio sonoro dell'Alta Langa alla terra dei sogni G. Gavazza, G. Micene, M.G. Siri “Lo shock con cui percepiamo certi momenti come già vissuti ci colpisce solitamente come un suono. È una parola, un battito, un fruscio a cui è stato conferito il potere magico di portarci d’un tratto nel passato”. W. Benjamin, Scritti autobiografici. (The shock with which we perceive certain moments as already experienced usually strikes us like a sound. It's a word, a beat, a rustle that has been given the magical power to take us suddenly into the past.)  “Questo stato di coscienza, suddivisa dalla veglia e dal sonno [...], va ora solo trasposta dall'individuo alla collettività. Va da sé che gran parte di ciò che per l'individuo è esterno appartiene per la collettività alla propria interiorità”. W. Benjamin, I “passages” di Parigi. (This state of consciousness, subdivided from wakefulness and sleep [...], is now only t...

CRESSON B-AIR WInterschool 2021: vulnerabilities and sounds, the experience of listening

The 9 th   winter school organized by CRESSON is welcoming this year the   « B-AIR Art Infinity Radio »  project supported  by  the Creative Europe Culture Program (EACEA) . Since 2013, the CRESSON winter school takes the form of a week of research and practices in order to discuss and explore the laboratory’s methods and concepts in their capacities to give some answers to a specific topic in link with the sound environment, its study, and its transformations.  This year the theme is “ vulnerabilities and sounds, the experience of listening ”. In a world where the immediacy of information, as well as the quickness of actions, has become the rule, it seems more and more challenging to take the time. The acceleration of lifestyles and ways of thinking has become a prerequisite for success. Nevertheless, in parallel with this fast-moving world, long-term issues are being increasingly neglected, creating  social ,  environmental,  and...

Ascolto il tuo cuore, città. Audio testimonianze al tempo del COVID19

Ascolto il tuo cuore, città *1 Listening to my city at the time of COVID19 In these difficult days of COVID19 pandemic emergency disposition, living in a big Italian city my immediate reaction has been to go outside regularly to record the sounds of my district, a neighborhood in the center of Turin, until a few days ago very lively: shops, the outdoor market, bars and restaurants during the day; cinemas, theaters, public places at night; the Valentino park, the largest green area in the centre of Turin. The sound walks and soundscapes made so far are a work in progress already available on the net to sites that allow a geotag connection with Google Maps as aporee(.)org and cartophonies(.)fr. I added to the audio recording the files, made with a geo-tracker GPS app, which provides details of the movements that can be synchronized with the audio recordings. This allows an acoustic exploration in space and time of this environment in this period and in this context. It i...

Tea For Two: first performance at CRESSON, 40ans, Grenoble, mardi 14 mai 2019

First performance of Tea For Two a composition of Giuseppe Gavazza  for realtime GENESIS playing model and live electronics.  In the frame of the events for the 40 years of CRESSON , Grenoble I have performed the new piece, composed for this specific situation  Tea for Two . In this composition, for the first time, a real time GENESIS physical model musical instrument play and is processed by a real time audio analog device: SODA .  Something new  is a very irregular new(s)letter mainly about me  (Giuseppe Gavazza)

Cine-concert: "Ètude sur Paris" de André Sauvage, 1928. Cinémathèque de Tours, lundi 6 mai 2019

Cine-concert: " Ètude sur Paris " de André Sauvage, 1928.  Cinémathèque de Tours, lundi 6 mai 2019 Soundtrack live surround de Giuseppe Gavazza:  lap top, modified dan-bao, e-bow, burn-ya, tape music box, m'bira, mouth harmonica Something new  is a very irregular new(s)letter about me  (Giuseppe Gavazza)